LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Free course offer (limited time, 59€)

"The fast track to your dream remote job"

Struggling to find a high income
fully remote job?

Take this free course to understand why today's remote work job market is highly dysfunctional and how my 3-pillar hunting strategy helps you increase your chances to land well-paid fully remote jobs by 10x


  • enjoy geographical freedom without the need of becoming self-employed

  • travel / live in another country without sacrificing your career ambitions or salary level

  • manage personal (e.g. family) and work responsibilities more effectively

  • avoid having to commute to work and being stuck in traffic

  • optimize your personal income taxes by working in a more attractive location


  • unsure about where and how to find well-paid full remote jobs

  • lost on which industries, employers, job types offer well-paid full remote jobs

  • discouraged by pseudo-remote job posts (e.g. 2x per week office presence)

  • you need to sacrifice compensation / career ambitions when you work remotely

  • insecure about working outside an office and required remote work tech skills

  • uninformed about the best countries to relocate to in terms of life style, cost of living, taxes and social security quality

...then this opportunity is perfect for you!

Once completed, you will:

  • Know exactly which industries, employer types and job roles offer the best chances for well-paid fully remote jobs and why traditional and fully remote job boards fail to work efficiently

  • Be equipped with the 3 remote job hunting strategies that overcome the inefficiencies of the remote job market and manage to identify well-paid fully remote jobs

  • Have a clear roadmap of what you need to do next to kick-start your remote job hunt and know about the critical success factors that help you actually land remote jobs after you identified them


LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Welcome! I'm Erik...

My mission is to create more freedom & adventures in peoples' lives via remote work

I am all about geographical and financial freedom, adventures, and personal development.

I have been employed remotely by different companies for the past 3 years, live a much more free & adventurous life next to the ocean in Spain and cut my income tax in half.

Getting here was definitively not easy! Finding well-paid remote jobs is a nightmare.

Companies falsely advertise hybrid jobs as remote, restrict relocation options, and use remote work to squeeze salary levels.
At the same time, the remote job market is extremely competitive! Remote job posts receive ~6x more applications than office jobs.

I became obsessed and spend hundreds of hours into researching ways to find true remote companies and land remote jobs and eventually mastered the game.

People heard my story kept on asking me: How did you do it? That is when I felt my calling to help as many people as possible to enjoy the same freedom & adventures as I do via remote work.

As an ex management consultant, I felt the best way to transmit my knowledge to as many remote dreamers as possible was to condense, structure and systematize it in a step-by-step approach.

The result is this course: "The fast track to your dream remote job"

Feedback from previous students

Why should you listen to me?

  • I have walked in your shoes! I landed well-paid fully remote jobs both in my home country and abroad

  • I have worked as a recruiter in the past so I know exactly what your opposite is looking out for

  • You will have access to my exclusive 300+ remote employer list my network of remote recruiters

  • I am an expert in the required skills you need not only to land but also to progress in remote jobs

LIVE Online Event Happening

6th - 9th December 2022

Bali - 6th December - 9 am

Sydney - 6th December - 12pm

New York - 5th December - 8pm

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster

Most course creators out there never sell a single copy of their course…

And that is devastating news, right?

Here’s what most course creators don’t know...

I speak to so many of you every single day.

And the biggest problems which I hear of over and over again are:

You are not clear on your idea or your ideal customer and feel overwhelmed.

You created your course before you sold it and don’t know how to find customers...

You have great ideas but a lack of confidence and fear of failure...

You have no idea how to market your course and setting up tech sounds like a scary monster

What is the exact course agenda?

Module 1

The global remote job market

  • What are the best countries, industries, employer types and job roles for remote employment?

  • Why do both conventional job boards and even fully remote job not work effectively?

Module 2

The 3 job hunting strategies

  • How can you overcome the market efficiencies and hunt for remote jobs?

  • What hunting strategies work for remote jobs?

Module 3

The kick-starter remote roadmap

  • How can you kick-start your remote job hunt journey ahead?

  • What are the critical success factors to succeed in your remote job hunt?

Are you ready to…


Benefit from the best insights out there to have an edge over all other remote candidates


Stop letting other people tell you where to do your job, reclaim your freedom


Only you are responsible to create your desired life. If remote work is part of it, go for it!


The perfect moment to start is always now! Stop procrastinating, sign up and get into action mode

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the right course for my purpose?

If you are looking for a high-paying remote employment and you have at least a medium education level and some work experience, this is the perfect course for you! If you are looking to freelance / be self-employed, only a few hours of remote side-hustling (hourly virtual assisting) or you have don't have a medium education level and absolutely no work experience, this is not the right course for you.

How long does this course last?

The course consists of four pre-recorded modules, which you can see in the agenda above. The video content comprises 1:45 hrs of lectures. You will get unlimited access to the videos and you can watch them at your own desired pace.

Will I have the chance to personally talk to Erik?

In this free course, there is no direct personal interaction between the students and Erik. However, at the end of the course, you will have the chance to book a remote career strategy session with Erik to kick-start your remote job journey.

Is the course content sponsored by recruiters / agencies?

No. I strictly ensure independence to ensure the highest quality of content. There will be no advertisement for certain recruiters or recruiting agencies and the content is not influenced by third-party interests.

Is this course really 100% free of charge?

Yes! You heard right. You don't have to pay a single dollar for this course. We only ask you to provide a short testimonial at the end of the course to help us spread the word about our work. This is a limited offer an up to change, so claim your spot know before we start charging money for it.



– Value $500 –

We’ve got a lot to cover during the 5-day SMART Challenge. So, we’re going to move fast.

That’s why, in order to make sure you’re fully prepared, we’ve put together this special online video training package.

Inside this video training package, you’ll discover ...

  • ​How To Build A Business That Scales
  • ​The Crisis Triangle – 12 Ways To Grow Your Business During A Global Crisis
  • ​The Most Important Skill In Business (It’s Not What You Think)
  • ​How To Build Your Business So It Can Run Without You and Scale
  • ​The Greatest Money Making Model In The 21st Century
  • ​How To Scale Your Business To 8 Figures (Building A Battleship)
  • The One Thing You Can Do To Grow Your Business And Sales Faster
  • How I Hire And Build A High-Performance Team
This special SMART Preparation Bonus Bundle is easily worth $997. But you’ll get it for FREE. And it will be waiting for you as soon as you join the challenge.

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