Welcome! I'm Erik, head coach of Remotejob-now

Our mission is to create more freedom & adventures in peoples' lives via remote work

I'm all about geographical and financial freedom, adventures, and personal development.

I have been employed remotely by different companies for the past 3 years, live a much more free & adventurous life next to the ocean in Spain and cut my income tax in half.

Getting here was definitively not easy! Finding well-paid remote jobs is a nightmare.

Companies falsely advertise hybrid jobs as remote, restrict relocation options, and use remote work to squeeze salary levels.

At the same time, the remote job market is extremely competitive! Remote job posts receive ~6x more applications than office jobs.

I became obsessed and spend hundreds of hours into researching ways to find true remote companies and land remote jobs and eventually mastered the game.

People heard my story kept on asking me: How did you do it?

That is when I felt my calling to help as many people as possible to enjoy the same freedom & adventures as I do via remote work.

As an ex management consultant, I felt the best way to transmit my knowledge to as many remote dreamers as possible was to condense, structure and systematize it in a step-by-step approach.

To get a better idea of what I do and how I can help you, watch the free mini-course: "The fast track to your dream remote job"

Let's connect!

What is it like to work with me?

My 5 core coaching values are the basis for everything I do and you can hold me responsible for

I only preach what I've practiced myself

I give individual advice, no one-size-fits all

I open you doors, you have to walk through

Mutual trust and open communication

Never forget to have fun on the journey

I only preach what I've practiced myself

I give individual advice, no one-size-fits all

I open you doors, you have to walk through

Mutual trust and open communication

Never forget to have fun on the journey

Check out my coaching offer in Detail!

Check out my coaching offer in Detail!

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